Thursday, 14 March 2013

New Shoes

It was my birthday today and for a present, my father was taking me shopping. Beth was wise to the fact that when shopping with her father, if she dragged him through countless stores looking at similar things at similar prices, he becomes more tired, moody and unresponsive. I made a bee-line straight to the shop and pointed out the wonderful shoes. The sleek high heels and the plain design of the low cut black leather really made them look dainty for her elongated feet.  Already I was tall for my aged and towered above classmates, but the extra heels would make me dominate the landscape even further. Nice to have people look up to you! After the banter about having no oxygen that high in those shoes, my father paid and I thanked him graciously!
As soon as I got home I went on Facebook, shared a picture of me wearing them to my friends Georgia and Lucy and then suggested we met in town the next week to do what we normally do (look in shop windows, sit on benches and giggle at the world walking past, perhaps show off a little when a cute guy walks past).   
We met at our usual spot outside McDonalds and I paraded my shoes gracefully, when suddenly the world span ever so quickly in a blur of colour like a kaleidoscope. Instead of standing outside McDonalds, Georgia, Lucy and I were standing in a muddy street. The air smelt of dust, dirt and cabbages which I admit is not my favourite of smells. A sign was squeakily swinging outside a nearby inn displaying The Cobblers Arms. The sky was grey and people were dressed in old fashioned dresses and suits with thick blankets wrapped around them.  Horses galloped the streets as all three of us stood motionless with our mouths gapping!
I took a step and the world whizzed around. This time instead of a dingy dirty street, we stood in a clean and bright room. Everywhere we looked was colour, but it was not the colour of bright furnishings and walls, it was the colour of millions of different sweets. Both the sight and the smell hit us all like a sugary hammer.  Bright balls and cubes and twisted coloured shapes, soft squidgy shapes of pink and white, some on sticks ready to be sucked to death whilst some sat with scoops ready to shovel into bags.
As I took two steps back in awe the world span again (which is totally unfair!) The world lurched to a stop and we was all back outside the same McDonalds we started at. Georgia and Lucy were exactly where they was before my world changed, admiring my shoes as I strutted. I stopped in confusion. What had just happened? Was it real? Was it my shoes? Can I do it again? Where will my shoes take me next? A wide grin grew on my face. I like my new shoes!

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